Thank You for being an extraordinaire volunteer! 


Learn a little more about Chloe…


I’m originally from Denver, Colorado (Go Broncos!!!). I currently reside in Honolulu. I am active duty Navy and have been on the island just short of three years. I started volunteering with AccesSurf 2 ½ years ago, when a sailor I worked with told me about the program. It sounded like a great opportunity so I went to my first Day at the Beach event and have been hooked ever since. There are so many things I love about AccesSurf. I love that this program provides the opportunity for people with disabilities to access the ocean, something many people take for granted, and something that would likely not be possible without our program. There are people who look forward to the event all month, month after month. I love reading the testimonials of the amazing impact AccesSurf has had on participant’s lives. Additionally, I have met so many amazing people while volunteering with this program, both participants and volunteers. These people truly inspire me, and even greater, they have become my family.