• David and I are still riding an amazing high from his surf experience with you guys. Thank you so much for all you do, you provide a dream experience. Getting out in the waves with him was definitely something i never could have dreamt! All of your volunteers were outstanding, making David feel safe and giving just the right amount of encouragement. Thank you again!!

    David & Amanda Brant
    David & Amanda Brant
  • The AccesSurf experience was beyond amazing!! I cannot even put into words how emotional and amazing the whole experience was. Thank you guys so much! This is at the top of our list to recommend to other wish families.

    Jazmin (Make a Wish Parent)
    Jazmin (Make a Wish Parent)
  • What a great group of volunteers! Nothing in this lifestyle is easy as a paraplegic and this group helped me and went above and beyond to make sure I was able to surf in Hawaii. I never thought I’d ever surf in my life and this group at AccesSurf made it possible! I will be forever grateful for y’all! Keep on keeping on and riding a BIG WAVE!

    Wes Joyner
    Wes Joyner
  • "You guys [AccesSurf] got me back into an outrigger canoe and kayak and I'm so grateful. I'm on the water 4 times a week and it is worth every rain drop.  Staying warm and dry is not an option."

    Alexander Eteuati
    Alexander Eteuati
  • Our daughter Amelia was diagnosed with ASD when she was 3 years old although we knew for sometime before that or had some inkling that she was on the spectrum it was still tough for us to hear that news. When we started her ABA program her in home therapist had mentioned Access surf and the monthly Day at the beach event. I so wish we had found this amazing program when we first arrived on the island. The way Amelia lights up when she is out on the water is so beautiful and she counts down the days until each event. We have been so blessed to be a part of this program and to experience the incredible affect it has had n our daughter. I truly believe Access surf has helped tremendously with the progress our daughter has made. Every time we attend the volunteers are always eager to be the lucky one to surf with her and I feel she brings as much joy to their day as they do to hers. Sadly we poly have one more Day at the beach before we move off island to another station, but we will be taking a lifetime of memories with us and we have a lot of that to thank to Access surf. These events will be what we miss most from Hawaii. We love Access surf and will never be able thank them enough for what they have done for our family. Mahalo! From the Merrill Ohana.

    Dorothy Merrill
    Dorothy Merrill
  • Never imagined I would feel the freedom I experienced when I was riding the waves.. I have been paralyzed for almost nine years, yet I was able to feel free and normal for the first time in years. Beyond thankful for the opportunity Access Surf allows…

    kendra white
    kendra white candygurl_kw@yahoo.com
  • Thank you so much for one of the most amazing experiences in my life!! Since I was a child, I have loved the beach and ocean. Surfing was a dream. The AccesSurf Team of volunteers made that dream a reality!!

    Sonal C.
    Sonal C.
  • I have found a new passion in my life. I have never been SO thrilled about something before.  I've played a lot of sports at high Olympic levels and have traveled the world doing them, but meeting Cara and Accessurf has opened my eyes to see the world and the ocean in a way that has driven me to want everyone to experience what I have in only the short time of 6 weeks I've been surfing with them. It's been 18 years since I've been back in the waters of Hawaii and I wish for nobody to wait that long to enjoy the healing waters of the ocean. What it does to the mind is indescribable because of the fact that it is the only time you do not need that other half of you that is with you all hours of the day, weeks, years, decades; and that is your wheelchair. A healthy mind allows a strong heart of confidents to live the life you were born to live, and AccesSurf gives that opportunity to everyone who is willing to just show up to their free events every month. In the water, everyone is the same and there is enough ocean out there for everyone to enjoy it equally. AccesSurf goes above and beyond to let that be known to world. That's is why people already fly to Hawaii from around the world to surf just a 30 minute heat of competition of pure freedom.(AccesSurf hosts an annual adaptive surf competition) Words can't explain the peace of mind of watching raw nature in it’s true form of the moon setting and the sun rising while catching the glassiest waves that the water provides. I wish organizations like Accessurf were around the world, so not only for the people that have the means to fly to Hawaii can experience it. Every country with all disabilities need to offer programs of healing and support for those who are not aware that life is far from over, but rather, is just beginning. I believe in what Accessurf stands for and with that being said, I will do everything in my power to grow this organization to as many countries as I can, and I will. Thank you Cara, Volunteers, and Accessurf for changing my life, it's my turn now to do the same.

    Kakali/ Zachary Tapec
    Kakali/ Zachary Tapec
  • Thank you so much!!! The photos arrived, and I'll wait till Tuesday, when we're home to look at them!!! I just cannot thank everyone at AccesSurf enough for the amazing gift you gave to Michael, my husband, and I today!!! I snapped a picture of Michael being carried down to the surfboard, and can't even look at it without crying tears of complete joy and gratitude!!! As a matter of fact, everyone I've shared it with on Facebook has has the same reaction!! Thanks again!!! There are no words to express how much the surfing experience meant to Michael... and to our family!!  He was fairly active before his accident, and has had to put his social activities aside for quite awhile... And surfing wasn't ever even on his list of things to do!!!  But he SO loved the experience!!!!  Thank you so much for working with our schedule, and fitting Michael in.  We so enjoyed meeting everyone who came out that day to surf with him!!  Beau,Matt, Dave and Donovan were so wonderful with Michael.  And Jessie is just a sweetheart, and got some amazing photos and video of Michael's experience!!!  

    Valerie & Michael Misch
    Valerie & Michael Misch
  • OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMahalo!  Mahalo!  Mahalo!  Words cannot express how much we appreciate ALL that everyone did to make surfing an awesome experience for Spencer.  He was at his grandparents' house for a family dinner tonight, and I wish you could have seen how his face lit up every time people asked him about surfing.  At the end of our vacation, we went through all that we did and asked Spence to pick his favorite part.  He definitely indicated it was surfing.  All 4 of you are angels, and we feel so blessed that Spence had this opportunity.  Some people are just meant to do certain things, and Accessurf is definitely what the four of you are meant to do.  You are all exceedingly kind, thoughtful, giving, and wonderful people.  You truly blessed our trip. Please know this will be a special memory for the rest of our lives.

    Spencer & Val Veraldi
    Spencer & Val Veraldi
  • " We had a wonderful day at White Plains Beach with AccesSurf. For Matthijs it was a breakthrough as he overcame his fear to go into the water. He used to like swimming a lot, but due to a little accident some 16 months ago he refused to swim. He swam every day in the hotel pool so far, overlooking the ocean and the swimming turtles. In The Netherlands we will "spread the word" about AccesSurf hoping more people come to know your organization

  • So much Aloha! No words can describe how thankful I am for all the joy Access Surf Ohana has brought to my life. “Day at the beach” helped my mind to heal tremendously, it’s the best therapy there could be for the mind and soul. Amongst many traits, surfing made me confident to take on new physical therapy challenges without fear to fail. Gave me a new passion that I will forever enjoy. So grateful to Hannah for taking me to your day at the beach for the first time. It was a life changing moment. Please continue to spread the aloha and bring joy to all those in need.

    Javier Rodiguez
    Javier Rodiguez

Video Testimonials

Ann Yoshida

Buster Kawasaki