Hi My name is Thanh Huynh. I’m from Vietnam. This August is 10 years I came to US. I got sick after 2 years came to US. I’m 28 years old now. I was diagnosed cancer leukemia when I was 20 years old. Now I’m on remission for cancer.  Unfortunately during my treatment, the strong chemo causing me to have brain damaged, I went to coma and stroke.  Because of that I have become disabled, with therapy over 8 years now I’m getting better but I still have weakness on the left side and cannot talk back yet.

How  did  you heard about AccesSurf?

I went to see Doctor a lot, at the time I have depressed so one of my doctors told me about AccesSurf. With my health of condition, going to the water really helps me, it’s like a therapy, my body less tight and can move better.

What does AccesSurf mean to you?

It’s really hard for me when turning from a “normal” person to disability after I got stroke and coma when I was 20 during my cancer treatment. I was very depression and didn’t have any friends or going out to meet others except hospital doctors and therapy. I felt left behind in this life.

Everything changed after I came to AccesSurf. It’s life changing for me. I’ll never forget the first day I came to AccesSurf and they gave me the chance to dive into the water once again after I got sick, it was magical for me. I’m the happiest and have fun every single time whenever I come.  All the people here are really kind and inspire me a lot. AccesSurf lets me know that I’m not alone and I can do more than I can think of. No limitation and nothing can stop us.

AccesSurf – access to your ability. Everything is possible. AccesSurf give me hope, maybe one day I’ll be able to swim or surf like all others people here. That’s my wish and I believe that AccesSurf can help me to do it. I can. You can. We can.

Anything you want to say or share with our AccesSurf ‘ohana?

Keep going, working hard, sharing together and inspiring others. I heard someone said this and I can feel this exactly what AccesSurf are doing and sharing “They called me disabled I call myself differently abled. They see my disability I see my ability. When you realized that you have change someone’s life and because of you this person didn’t give up. That’s the day when you live”. I appreciate AccesSurf community and love you all. Thank you so much, we keep going together and get better together!

Surfer of the Month - Sabina