Our volunteer of the month for March has been a very big part of AccesSurf for many years and has played several roles along the way. From water safety, surf instructor, transfers, set up, tear down, Leadership Committee and many years ago he was a pivotal supporter as an advisor helping the organization stay on track through transition and continue to grow. Nate is known to always be there when we need him, responding YES to the last minute DATB phone calls from Cara... .. 'Are you coming?' and all of the 'Can you go out one more time?' questions at programs. His compassion for people and his love of sharing his passion of the ocean has impacted so many! Thank you, Nate for all that you do. Now, a few words from the man himself...
Tell us a little about yourself
Aloha, my name is Nathan & I’m originally from New Jersey. I moved to Hawaii back in 2006, in search of ‘the dream’ & what I discovered was much much more. It’s hard to put into words what Aloha ‘is’, but it’s what makes this place so special, and why I now humbly call it home. I’m a healthcare IT professional, working remotely w/ many hospital organizations across North America. When not working, I enjoy spending time in the ocean, playing in the mountains, and everything in between.
How did you find out about Accessurf.
I first learned of Accessurf back in 2007, during a family member’s extended recovery at Rehab of the Pacific. I decided to attend a DATB, met Mark, and was hooked from there.
What does AccesSurf mean to you?
Ohana & Aloha in its truest form. The feeling of being with family, helping others and all the while receiving those same gifts in return. I think every person, volunteer & participant, involved w/ Accessurf receives just as much as they give. It’s a rare, almost indescribable experience that only those who’ve been a part of it, truly understand. I wish everyone had the opportunity to be a part of such a community, and I encourage anyone I come in contact with, to come experience it for themselves.
Favorite memory at AccesSurf:
Wow, this is a tough one. So many over the years, but a few major ones for me are the first few Duke’s Fest events & hosting Craig’s Hospital. These were events that showcased to a broader audience, what Accessurf is all about. The outside world, to a certain extent, got to see first hand just how special this group of amazing humans really are.
Any last remarks you’d like to share with our community?
Lastly, I just want to extend a warmest mahalo nui loa to everyone who’s been a part of this amazing community over the years. From it I’ve gained personal growth, life long friends (& family), and memories that will forever make me smile. Stay strong & safe during these difficult times, & hope to see y’all in the surf soon! Aloha.