This month we have the pleasure of introducing you to one of our favorite people in the world, Joshua Yoshida. At events Josh is like a fish, spending most all of his time in the water swimming or surfing. When he is not in the water Joshua works very hard to help AccesSurf – carrying equipment at events, helping keep the office clean, and so much more. Every day at the AccesSurf office is brighter when he is there. When he is not working or napping he is coloring pictures for us, singing karaoke songs, and playing a mean game of peakaboo. According to his Aunty Ann:
Before Joshua started to come with me to AccesSurf, he was a very different man. He had many anxieties and did not function well with change or adapting to different dynamic environments. In this last year, he has learned so much, made so many friends and has grown toward being an adult. Although, I was a little hesitant to bring Joshua around because his past function, the ohana of AccesSurf has helped him and I feel empowered, safe, social and supported in a loving community. We are an AccesSurf Family.”
We asked Josh a few questions to share his story with all of you. Here are Josh’s answers, unedited and in his own words:
What is your name, and how old are you?
My name is Joshua and I am 22 years old.
Where did you go to school?
At Kahuku high school and Kahuku elementary school.
What did you have for breakfast today?
I had sunny side egg rice with shoyu and mae ploy sauce.
What is your favorite meal?
My favorite meal is steak and pork chops with rice and asparagus.
How long have you been coming to AccesSurf?
I started coming to AccesSurf last year.
Which do you like better – surfing or swimming and why?
I like swimming in the ocean because I like looking for crab and starfish in the ocean. I like surfing because I like going faster.
What is your favorite part about AccesSurf?
My favorite part about AccesSurf and all the things I do with AccesSurf is going to the beach. It feels nice at the beach, its all sunny, and I like to swim in the cool water because I like to play in the water. It can feel like me catching a big wave.
Tell us about how you help out AccesSurf at Day at the Beach.
I set up the AccesSurf tents and help with the surfboards and I get to go in the water and surf and swim and eat the food for lunch they cook there. I meet new friends there that I swim with but I forgot their names. Before I help out with the surf boards and take them out of the bread truck and help bring them back in the Bread truck.
Tell us How you help out AccesSurf at other events, like the fundraiser.
I help set up and take surf down at the birthday bash. I sing while I listen to the music there.
For special events, with Russel, I ride in his new truck to his house and listened to reggae music in his living room. Then I went to the places where they exercise by down to earth and I ate sushi and I relaxed listening to the music. I saw kk and Mariah and Russel. and Deb drove me home, she lives in gentry.
Tell us about how you help out AccesSurf at the office and what you enjoy about it.
I vacuum the AccesSurf office and dust, and take out rubbish and I enjoy keeping the office clean. I enjoy eating snacks at the the office like eating granola bars. I enjoy taking a nap in my nap pod for a break and free time. I go to the AccesSurf office with my aunty Ann, she drives her car and sometimes her truck then after we sometimes go to the beach and eat out or eat at home. At the office I like emily cause she is a blonde girl that I am shy around (she used to work there), I get to see Cara Troy and Mariah Raftree and Ryan and KK too. I like it when they are working with us at the office because they are my friends and there is 1 man and some girls that I am not shy around. Emily just had a baby. I like going to the store with Ryan and KK. I like when Mariah helps me surf at the beach. I like when Cara helps tell me to vacuum and do the work there she also brings snacks. At the meetings, I like eating dinner there.
What does AccesSurf mean to you?
I like to surf at the day at the beach, like at white plains beach because I like looking at the cats and mongoose too there. It helps me by being a good boy.
It makes me feel happy, it means to be grateful for when my aunty Ann takes me to the beach and other places too. I am excited and excited to see and meet new people. I think that’s it.
If you had one sentence to say to accessurf, what would you say?
I’m going to behave because I want to be a good boy and be nice to everyone at AccesSurf.