WORLD CHAMPION! That’s the first thing that comes to mind when we think about our friend – Ava Heller. That and of course tie dye surf pants and big, big smiles, both of which are her trademarks. Ava and her very awesome dad, Jerry, moved back to Oahu a year and a half ago – and they have been full on members of the AccesSurf family ever since. It’s been a lot of fun to get to know them both so well, but mostly it has been awesome to watch Ava’s growth both as a competitive and a free surfer.
With that, we’ll turn it over to Ava to share her story in her own words:
I’ve actually been a part of AccesSurf for a long time, first going when I was really young. I remember as a child the joy of being in the water and being around people just like me. I took a break from AccesSurf for a while when I was living on Maui. About a year and a half ago dad and I moved back to Oahu and one of the first things I did was go back to AccesSurf. After being back at AccesSurf, I met Coach Chris of the Hawaii Adaptive Surf Team and he was looking for new team members. I was so excited to join, and have been on the team for about a year now – having surfed in about eight or nine competitions. I love competing, catching waves and winning for me is so thrilling!
Being a part of the team and a part of AccesSurf is amazing, my dad and I love hanging out with everyone both on and off the water.
One of the most fun moments I’ve ever had was being in La Jolla Shores for the World Championships. At the very end of my heat, with 45 seconds to go I snuck in a buzzer beater wave that brought home the Gold Medal! I’m so proud to be a part of the team and a part of AccesSurf!!!! “