Category Description
bathroom accessibility
  • Can a wheelchair get into the bathroom (no steps or small openings)?
  • Can a wheelchair turn around in the bathroom
  • Is there a changing area and a large bathroom stall?
  • Is there an accessible path to get to the bathroom from the parking lot or beach?
  • Are all faucets and handles at a height that someone sitting can reach?
access or beach mats
  • Are there accessible mats to the water and to all major areas of the beach?
  • Can a person access the mat without physical barriers?
  • Are the mats in good condition and clean from debris?
  • How close are the mats to accessing the water or major attraction?
parking accessibility
  • Are there marked accessible stalls?
  • How many stalls are marked?
  • Are there accessible paths connected to parking?
  • Are access aisles in place?
lifeguard accessibility
  • Are the paths to the lifeguards accessible?
  • How many guards/stations are on duty at the beach?
ground type accessibility
  • What type of sand is at the beach? (Coarse or Fine)
  • How deep is the sand? (how many inches deep to a hard surface?
  • Can a wheelchair get through the sand to access the water/main attraction?
  • What is the slope of the path from the parking to the water/main attraction? Steepness?
water conditions
  • Is the water for beginners, intermediate or advanced ability levels?
  • How extreme are the factors? (wind, swell, current, tide etc.)
  • How dangerous is the water to a novice?
beach chair availability
  • Is there a beach chair available?
  • How easy is the process to use the chair?
  • Is the beach chair in working order?
  • Is the beach chair good for the terrain of the beach?
  • Does the beach chair require others to access the ocean?
services and amenities
  • Are there accessible food and drink options in the area?
  • Are there equipment rentals?
  • Does the bus or other public forms of transportation go to the beach?
  • Are there other amenities at the beach?

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White Plains Accessibility