We will update this webpage with the 2025 AASP Manual as soon as it is available


List of Divisions or Surf Classes:




Upper Limb Standing (ULS)

Any surfer who rides the wave standing with an upper limb amputation or deficiency or short stature.

Impaired PROM

Impaired muscle power

Limb deficiency

Short stature

Hypertonia. Ataxia, Athetosis

Below the Knee Standing (BKS)

Any surfer that rides the board in a standing position with a below the knee amputation, lower limb deficiency.

Impaired PROM

Impaired muscle power

Limb deficiency

Leg length difference

Hypertonia. Ataxia, Athetosis

Above the Knee Standing (AKS)

Any surfer that rides the board in a standing position with an above the knee amputation or limb deficiency.

Impaired PROM

Impaired muscle power

Limb deficiency

Hypertonia. Ataxia, Athetosis

Any Knee Kneeling (AKK)

Any surfer that rides the board in a kneeling position with an above the knee amputation, bilateral below knee amputations, or lower limb deficiency or impairment.

Impaired PROM

Impaired muscle power

Limb deficiency

Leg length difference


Any surfer that rides a board in a sitting position with trunk and/or lower limb deficiency.

Impaired PROM

Impaired muscle power

Limb deficiency

Hypertonia. Ataxia, Athetosis

Unassisted Prone (UP)

Any surfer that rides the wave in a prone position with lower limb and trunk deficiency that does NOT require assistance paddling into a wave and getting back on the board safely.

Impaired PROM

Impaired muscle power

Hypertonia. Ataxia, Athetosis

Prone Assist (PA)

Any surfer that rides the wave in a prone position with arm, trunk and lower limb deficiency that DOES require assistance paddling into waves and getting back onto the board safely.

Impaired PROM

Impaired muscle power

Limb deficiency

Hypertonia. Ataxia, Athetosis

Blind/No Vision (BNV)

Any surfer that rides the wave in a standing position with a vision impairment of legal blindness.

Vision Impairment-

Legal Blindness


Blind/Low/Partial Vision (BPV)

Any surfer that rides the wave in a standing position with a vision impairment of legal blindness.

Vision Impairment-

partial vision 20/70-20/200

or 50% visual field loss