We will update this webpage with the 2025 AASP Manual as soon as it is available
List of Divisions or Surf Classes:
Upper Limb Standing (ULS) |
Any surfer who rides the wave standing with an upper limb amputation or deficiency or short stature. |
Impaired PROMImpaired muscle powerLimb deficiencyShort statureHypertonia. Ataxia, Athetosis |
Below the Knee Standing (BKS) |
Any surfer that rides the board in a standing position with a below the knee amputation, lower limb deficiency. |
Impaired PROMImpaired muscle powerLimb deficiencyLeg length differenceHypertonia. Ataxia, Athetosis |
Above the Knee Standing (AKS) |
Any surfer that rides the board in a standing position with an above the knee amputation or limb deficiency. |
Impaired PROMImpaired muscle powerLimb deficiencyHypertonia. Ataxia, Athetosis |
Any Knee Kneeling (AKK) |
Any surfer that rides the board in a kneeling position with an above the knee amputation, bilateral below knee amputations, or lower limb deficiency or impairment. |
Impaired PROMImpaired muscle powerLimb deficiencyLeg length difference |
Waveski |
Any surfer that rides a board in a sitting position with trunk and/or lower limb deficiency. |
Impaired PROMImpaired muscle powerLimb deficiencyHypertonia. Ataxia, Athetosis |
Unassisted Prone (UP) |
Any surfer that rides the wave in a prone position with lower limb and trunk deficiency that does NOT require assistance paddling into a wave and getting back on the board safely. |
Impaired PROMImpaired muscle powerHypertonia. Ataxia, Athetosis |
Prone Assist (PA) |
Any surfer that rides the wave in a prone position with arm, trunk and lower limb deficiency that DOES require assistance paddling into waves and getting back onto the board safely. |
Impaired PROMImpaired muscle powerLimb deficiencyHypertonia. Ataxia, Athetosis |
Blind/No Vision (BNV) |
Any surfer that rides the wave in a standing position with a vision impairment of legal blindness. |
Vision Impairment-Legal Blindness20/200+ |
Blind/Low/Partial Vision (BPV) |
Any surfer that rides the wave in a standing position with a vision impairment of legal blindness. |
Vision Impairment-partial vision 20/70-20/200or 50% visual field loss |
Surf Class | Description | Eligible Class Impairments |
Upper Limb Standing (ULS) | Any surfer who rides the wave standing with an upper limb amputation or deficiency. | Impaired PROM Impaired muscle power Limb deficiency Coordination Impairments |
Below Knee Standing (BKS) | Any surfer who rides in a standing position with a below the knee amputation or limb deficiency. | Limb deficiency Coordination Impairments |
Above Knee Standing (AKS) | Any surfer who rides in a standing position with an above the knee amputation or equivalency. | Impaired PROM Limb deficiency Coordination Impairments |
Any Kneeling/Upright (AKU) | Any surfer who rides in a deep squatted position or upright position using 2– 3 points of contact with an above the knee amputation or equivalency. Any surfer who rides in a kneeling position using 3-4 points of contact with an above the knee amputation or lower limb deficiency or impairment. | Impaired PROM Impaired muscle power Limb deficiency Coordination Impairments |
Unassisted Prone (UP) | Any surfer who rides in a prone position that does NOT require assistance paddling into a wave and getting back on the board safely. | Impaired PROM Impaired muscle power Coordination Impairments |
Prone Assist (PA) | Any surfer who rides the wave in a prone position that DOES require assistance paddling into waves and getting back onto the board safely. Pusher & Receiver Permitted | Impaired PROM Impaired muscle power Limb deficiency Coordination Impairments |
Waveski (WS) | Any surfer who rides a waveski using a paddle in a sitting position with trunk and both lower limbs impaired. | Impaired PROM Impaired muscle power Limb deficiency |
Blind/No Vision (BNV) | Any surfer who rides the wave in a standing position with a vision impairment of legal blindness. | Vision Impairment- Legal Blindness 20/200+ |
Blind/Low Vision (BLV) | Any surfer who rides the wave in a standing position with a low vision impairment. | Vision Impairment- partial vision 20/70-20/200 or 50% visual field loss |