Well, it’s with a heavy heart we celebrate one of our favorite people this month – because the amazing Stephanie is leaving our fair island! Stephanie is AccesSurf’s treasurer, and next month she’ll be moving to the mainland. Stephanie’s smiling face, pictured above to the right, can be found greeting volunteers and participants as they register and sign in each month at Day at the Beach, but it’s what Stephanie does behind the scenes as a board member and our treasurer that is so amazing. It really is a great loss, but we wish Stephanie nothing but the ABSOLUTE best on this, the next phase of her life. Thank you so much for everything Stephanie!
Here is more about Stephanie’s experience with us, in her own words:
I was looking for an organization that I could volunteer with here in Hawaii. When someone from work suggested AccesSurf, I went to the website and was blown away. It was love at first sight! And I hadn’t even attended an event yet. I immediately registered on the website and went to the next Day at the Beach.
It’s rare that an organization gives as much to its volunteers as it does to its participants, but AccesSurf does. Life changing is the best way to describe it. AccesSurf has truly been a gift to me, getting to meet so many amazing people – volunteers and participants – over the years and seeing the joy that comes from being in the ocean. I feel honored to have served on the board and could not be more proud of the growth and work AccesSurf has done in a few short years.As you may or may not know, I am moving back to the mainland and I think AccesSurf is the hardest thing to leave behind. I get very emotional just thinking about it. I will always be an advocate and supporter and will have to plan my trips back to Hawaii around the first of the month.Thank you to everyone for welcoming me to the AccesSurf ohana! A piece of my heart will remain in Hawaii with you all.